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Contact Michael R. Banks


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Ready to Search

Commercial Space Locator

Your business needs the right space to be successful. There is currently a boom in the Cibolo commercial market; from Old Town to brand new developments, I can find the perfect location to fit your budget.

Commercial Sales

Owning commercial space is one of the most lucrative real estate investments. For owners looking for passive income to owner-tenant properties, there is something for everyone. I will work relentlessly until you find the exact property for your goals.

Commercial Property Management

My team of real estate professionals can handle all your commercial property management needs. From advertising to leasing to collecting rent, we are dedicated to making it easy for property owners.

Single Family Homes

The dream of home ownership is within reach with low interest rates on new and existing homes. The Cibolo, Schertz area is one of the fastest growing areas in Texas, with many homes to choose from.


If you're not ready to purchase a home, the local rental market may have exactly what you're looking for. From modern apartments to full homes, this area will provide something to fit your needs.

Investment Properties

Looking to get into real estate investing? As a current investor, I can help guide you through evaluating the financials of your first purchase, or a new addition to your portfolio.

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